Okay, I know we said that this post was going to be about our new apartment and we were going to post some pictures, but we're doing the Honeymoon instead. :)
The first night we stayed at Homewood Suites in Dover, then we spend the rest of the week at a little cottage in Ogunquit, ME.
Our cottage in ME (sorry for the quality of the pic.. it was taken with my cell phone.)
The sunrise from the back porch
We were right on Perkins Cove, so we could walk to anything in the area we wanted to visit. We walked into town a few times to visit shops and go out for coffee (we found a cute little coffee shop called Breaking New Grounds that had fantastic views of the beach)
Breaking New Grounds Coffee Shop |
We also walked down to the Ogunquit Memorial Library (they were doing some work on it) and poked around in there for a while, looking through all of the old books.
Ogunquit Memorial Library |
We also walked the Marginal Way a few times, it was absolutely beautiful with all the fall leaves! And because a lot of places in Ogunquit close after Columbus day, there weren't a whole lot of crowds either.
View from the Marginal Way |
We walked over to Oarweed Cove and explored the beaches over there. Again, we had absolutely beautiful weather, and saw hardly any people! We picked up driftwood and seashells along the shore.
Dunes on Oarweed Cove |
Beach alone Oarweed Cove |
On the last night, we went out to a restaurant called Jonathan's Ogunquit, because we got a $25 gift card for there. We had passed a Jonathan's restaurant on the way in, and it didn't look like much, so we didn't think we had to get dressed up for it. Turns out, this one was a totally different Jonathan's than the one we passed on the way in, and REALLY fancy. I think we were the youngest couple in the place by at least 20 years. It turned out to be a pretty uncomfortable dinner, on account of we were really under dressed, and we could hear the people on the other side of the room whispering about 'those kids' who just got seated. :D When the older couple who was whispering about us when we came in left, they came over to our table and asked if we were Honeymooners. When we told them yes, they attempted to buy us drinks.. The waitress of course didn't let them, because we are both under aged. :D
We had the cottage until Saturday, but we opted to head home on Thursday instead on account of our beautiful weather turned to pouring rain, and we wanted to hang out at our own home together before work starts again- on Monday for Andrew, and on Sunday for Cristina. (Cristina is giving free tractor rides this Sunday at Butternut Farm for their fall festival, 11-2ish! Free caramel apples, face painting, & crafts for the kiddos, food for sale, proceeds going to Relay for Life, and apple and pumpkin picking)
In our next couple blog posts, we plan on adding wedding pictures and details, our house pics and some projects we have been up to. :)
Oh yeah! One last thing.. Please comment or send us a message and let us know how we're doing! Andrew is concerned that I have been adding too many pictures, as I am notorious for. :D So vote! More pictures, less pictures, or leave them how they are.