So today Me and Cristina "kidnapped" two of the boys to go rock picking in the freshly plowed field.
We had a little difficulty at first trying to get the "Quick-attach" forks off the tractor so we could put the bucket on. But after a little persuasion and threatening with a sledge hammer we got it off. We took the bush mower off the back and we were ready to roll! It was a nice day out to be working and the field surprisingly didnt have a lot of rocks in it. We were able to do the entire field which is about a acre in a hour, thats good time!! Cristina works over at butternut on the other side of the ridge and it usually takes her about two, two-and-a-half hours to pick rocks out of a freshly plowed field like ours. The field we were working in was the best plot out of the land though so I'm sure that there will be more rocks to pick in our future.
We were happy to see that the Herbicide that we had laid down last weekend did its job in killing all the plants we sprayed it on. The field just has to be disced some more with that green disk harrower you see in the picture.
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